CGI Advantage Financial Reports

The major reports generated from CGI Advantage are listed alphabetically in the below table. To learn more about the job that generates a specific report, click on the job name in the Description column.

Report Name


Budget Lines Selected for Roll

This report is generated by the Budget Roll Process (Modes 1, 2, and 3) - Report Mode job.

Budget Lines Not Rolled

The Budget Lines Not Rolled report is generated by the Budget Roll Chain and Budget Roll Report in run modes 1, 2, and 3.  In mode 1, the report lists all budget lines already established in the new year.  In modes 2 and 3 the report lists those lines that were not (will not be) rolled because the source amount selected as a parameter contained a zero or negative amount.

Budget Links Not Rolled

The Budget Links Not Rolled report is generated by the Budget Roll Chain and Budget Roll Report in modes 1or 2, as those modes are the only ones that can roll budget links, to show all links to revenue budget lines that were not (will not be) rolled because the revenue budget line does not exist in the target year.

Budget Pre-Archive Report

This report is generated by the Pre-Archive Budget Report job.  This report helps to identify unfinished budget activity.

Budget Roll Crosswalk of Successful Transactions

The Budget Roll Crosswalk of Successful Transactions report is generated by all 4 modes to list the successfully processed transactions for a budget roll.

Budget Roll Listing of Unsuccessful Transactions

The Budget Roll Listing of Unsuccessful Transactions report is generated by all 4 modes to list the successfully processed transactions for a budget roll.

Budget vs. Actual Report (Expense)

This report is generated by the Budget vs. Actual Report for Expense report job.

Budget vs. Actual Report (Revenue)

This report is generated by the Budget vs. Actual Report for Revenue report job.

Budget Actuals vs Ledgers, Journals, and Posting Line Catalog

The System Assurance 1 chain and the SA01 Report batch jobs produce this listing of all budget lines or only those with an accounting amount that is not in sync with historical transaction records.

Budget Amount Actuals vs Journals

The System Assurance 11 batch job produces this listing of all budget lines with budget amounts that are not in sync with the Budget Journal.

Incremental Updates System Assurance: Budget Amount Actuals vs Budget Amount Constraint Table

System Assurance 12 produces a report listing each budget line with one or more Constraint Amount records that do not reflect amounts found on the budget line.

System Assurance for Open Amounts

The System Assurance 15 produces this listing of budget lines where an accounting amount on the budget line does not reflect the total open amounts of accounting lines against the budget line and amount.  The report will also list all journal postings against those open accounting lines to determine what the open amount should be.