Common Terminology

A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |  Q  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  |  W  |  X  |  Y  |  Z  |

Allotment Level & LineAllotment Level & Line

Allotment Level & Line is an additional budget level adding a time component to a combination of COA element codes defined as a budget line.

Automatic Budget Line GenerationAutomatic Budget Line Generation

When the system does not find a matching budget line, then there is the option to generate the line automatically as the accounting transaction processes to pending or final. This option is used for a budget level that is for tracking purposes only and all valid chart of account combinations do not have to be pre-defined at the budget level. More information can be found in the discussion of where the feature is turned on – the Required Budget setup page.

Budget Activity LevelBudget Activity Level

Budget Activity Level is a record of accounting and budget transactions tracked at the budget line level. This is also referred to as the audit level of a budget.

Budget AmountsBudget Amounts

Budget Amounts are 'amounts’ used system-wide to track and record different kinds of activities against budget lines.

Budget ControllingBudget Controlling

Budget Controlling is when rules are in place to issue messages to end users when a rule is being broken.

Budget FormulaBudget Formula

Budget Formula is a mathematical formula used to calculate a budget amount not directly updated by a transaction.

Budget JournalBudget Journal

Budget Journal is a detailed listing containing all budget transaction details tracked at the budget line level.

Budget LevelBudget Level

Budget Level is a layer of a budget structure defined by one or more chart of account elements.

Budget LineBudget Line

Budget Line is an individual record in a budget level defined by one or more chart of account element codes.

Budget LinkBudget Link

Budget Link is a connection between a revenue budget line and an expense budget line allowing for revenues to fund spending.

Budget StructureBudget Structure

Budget Structure is a framework of a budget determining the type of budget: expense, revenue, expense & revenue, or reimbursable.

Budget TrackingBudget Tracking

Budget Tracking is the recording of updates to various budget amounts from budget and accounting transactions for online and offline queries.

Calculated BucketCalculated Bucket

Calculated Bucket is an amount field on a budget line indirectly updated as the result of a stand alone bucket being updated.


Constraints are a budget control that controls accounting transactions.

Continuous Appropriation or Continuing BudgetContinuous Appropriation or Continuing Budget

Certain budget lines are not just limited to activity in the originating budget year with a short period of close-out activity in the subsequent year. These budget lines extend for one or more years after the originating budget year, and are thus referred to as ‘continuing’. Certain implementations choose the special 9999 budget year for these while others use an actual budget year.

Funding ControlFunding Control

Reimbursement budget structures have optional controls that limit the amount of Awards to Funding Line budgets to an agreed upon funding amount defined on either (or both) the Funding Source Control, Funding Group Control, or Funding Allocation Control pages.


Guidelines are a budget control that controls budgeting transactions.

Inquiry PageInquiry Page

Inquiry Page is an online view into the budget lines and their amounts that exist on a particular budget level.

Parent & ChildParent & Child

Parent & Child is a relationship existing between a budget line at one budget level with budget lines at a lower level that share the same key values.

Presence OptionalPresence Optional

Presence Optional is a setting so budget levels and allotment lines can be required or optional for accounting transactions.

Required BudgetRequired Budget

A required budget is a budget structure that is required for accounting transactions based on setup on Required Budget (REQBUD). Transactions will fail with a 'budget line not found' error unless automatic budget line generation is also enabled on Required Budget.

Reimbursement BudgetReimbursement Budget

Reimbursement is one of the four Budget Types that all budget structures must belong. This type of budget is defined to match funding structure setup for a Funding Profile, Funding Priority, and Funding Line combination in the Cost Accounting chart of accounts. Lines on this type of budget control the Front End Split of Cost Accounting.

Stand Alone BucketStand Alone Bucket

Stand Alone Bucket is an amount field on a budget line directly updated by the processing of a budget or accounting transaction. These are often referred to as basic buckets.

Standard/Extended BudgetingStandard/Extended Budgeting

Standard/Extended Budgeting is a control on Application Parameter (APPCTRL) that controls whether or not certain budget structures should work as standard (STD) - establish appropriations to infer and limit COA combinations - or as extended (EXT) - no inference and no limits on combinations. The parameter name for this control is EXT_STD_BUD.

Summary PageSummary Page

Summary Page is an online query tool that will select and summarize budget lines of a particular budget level to provide amounts at a different level of detail than exists at that budget level.