Create Budget Lines
The following depicts the online creation of multiple budget lines as that is the most common scenario. If creating only a single budget line, then the rollup step is not needed.
To create budget lines at multiple budget levels, perform these steps:
Create an instance of the desired budget transaction code.
Skip the Header tab and navigate to the Budget Level tab listed next.
Header information defaults normally to the current values in almost every case with the exception of a future or past Transaction Date, if allowed.
Insert a new line.
Leave the defaulted Action value of New.
Leave the Event Type field to default to Adopt (BG01 for spending budgets, BG23 for revenue budgets, or BG22 - Award for reimbursement budgets). If there is no default or another event type is to be used, manually enter the value or use the pick.
Enter a Dollar Amount for the new budget line. That amount can even be zero if the budget line is only for tracking and not controlling.
Enter values in each of the COA fields that will define the new budget line. Use any picks as necessary. None of these fields can be left blank.
No other fields are mandatory but can be populated if desired.
Repeat the above sub steps as needed to create additional budget lines or use Copy and Paste actions to create additional lines, changing fields on copied lines as necessary.
To create lines at the higher budget levels, use the Rollup Lines action.
Validate the transaction.
If errors exist, fix the errors and repeat Step 5. If no errors exist, then continue with Step 7. (See the Note below, if incorrect values were entered.)
Submit the transaction.
If you find that the amount entered for the line at the lowest level was incorrect:
Enter the correct Dollar Amount.
Use the Rollup Lines action again.
Repeat Step 5 above.
If you find that an incorrect COA value was entered on the line at the lowest level:
Correct the COA at the lowest level budget line.
Use the Rollup Lines action again.
Repeat Step 5 above.