General Budget Level Information

This indication is allowed at any budget level except the first level of a structure. If the option is selected for a budget level, all levels below that level must be marked presence optional, as updates cannot skip budget levels.

A bounce is required after updating these three related fields. Also, please note that the inference occurs not on the transaction but on the budget inquiry page when the new budget line is inserted.

The Fiscal Year of the budget line upon creation is used to infer the dates and not the Budget Fiscal Year. The inference is a soft one in that a value can be entered before the inference that will remain and the dates can be changed after inferring.

Please ensure that Appropriation is present on a given budget level when enabling.

Please note that when using such an edit that all valid combinations budgeted must be defined on the COA valid combination validation table as the partial key logic used by accounting transactions is not used by the budget transaction. Further, the Budget Level where COA valid combination page is defined should have the COA element/s that are primary key from the combination page along with FY/BFY. Also, the COA invalid combination pages should not be entered for this feature.