General Budget Level Information

  • Level Name - A required text field is provided to supply a level name to be used in reporting.  It is helpful for this name to match the name displayed in the online query for the budget level.  Changes to the name field on the Budget Level Update page do not flow through to the entry for the budget level found on Page Search or to the title seen at the top of the inquiry page for that budget level. Changing those items is a different effort. The first can be done on the Application Page Registration (APGS) page. The second is an HTML change.

  • Level Short Name - A required short text field is provided to supply a level short name to be used in reporting. It is helpful for this name to match the name displayed in the online query for the budget level, or at least be an abbreviation for that online name.

  • Presence Optional - When a level of a budget structure should not be required to be found by accounting transactions, it is marked as Presence Optional. This will instruct the system to not return the ‘budget line not found’ error for an accounting transaction that does not match a budget line at this level. If there is a matching budget line, it will be updated.

This indication is allowed at any budget level except the first level of a structure. If the option is selected for a budget level, all levels below that level must be marked presence optional, as updates cannot skip budget levels.

  • Auto Generate when Presence Optional - If a level marked as Presence Optional needs to be changed to Required, steps have to be taken besides just changing the level option. Systems Assurance 1 will report false out of sync conditions at the upper levels higher than the newly required level without work. One way to avoid the additional step is to not run SA1 for prior Budget Fiscal Years, while making the budget level change at the beginning of a BFY before any updates in that BFY. If that is not possible, then budget lines have to be rebuilt at the newly required budget level in prior budget years that are still being assured. This does require that the new COA at that budget level has always been used, although not required for budgeting.

  • Auto Generate Severity - This field is an optional severity set at a budget level to alter the base severity of message generation for A2538 – ‘New Budget Line Created’. Values include: Information, Warning, and Error.  Severe is shown but is not allowed. A blank value is also available when the option is not taken at a particular budget level and setup on the Messages (MESG) page will be used. If set to Error and that error should be an overrideable one, then the Auto Generate Override Level field should be set. Use of this severity allows for greater or lesser control for budget line generation at a particular budget level. If generation should be easy except for a certain level, then the MESG page should be set to Informational or Warning. Then settings for that level should be Error with an override level. All other levels would be left blank, or set to equal the MESG page. Setup can be done in reverse if desired as well.

  • Auto Generate Override Level - This field is an optional override level set at the budget level to alter the base severity of message generation for A2538. Values include integers between 0 and 10 as well as (blank), which is the default. Use if this field is only made when the Auto Generate Severity field is also populated for the budget level with a value of Error. If that severity field is left blank or set to another value, then the override level field will not be allowed.

  • COA Elements - This column seen on the Budget Structure Summary page does not have an equivalent on the Budget Level Update page because the list of elements is an item that was defined during the construction of that budget structure and cannot be changed by an online field.

  • Bud Name COA Table - When budget lines are created without anything specified as the Budget Line Name, the system will default one of two things for the name. This field and the next two are used to define a descriptive value from a key chart of account (COA) field of the budget line. If all three are blank, then the system will concatenate all key fields for the budget line as the name. If the name of the appropriation unit on the budget line should be the Budget Line Name, then enter R_APPR in this field.

A bounce is required after updating these three related fields. Also, please note that the inference occurs not on the transaction but on the budget inquiry page when the new budget line is inserted.

  • Bud Name COA Primary Key - The system needs the full key to a COA code to look up and infer a descriptive field. Enter all key fields necessary, separating by commas when there are multiple keys. Continuing the appropriation example, enter FY and APPR_CD. The BFY from the budget line will be used to lookup the appropriation as fiscal year. This accounts for when budget lines are created where FY < BFY, FY = BFY, and in the event a line is created with FY > BFY. If the BFY of the budget line was 9999, the system gets the current fiscal year from the Application Date.

  • Bud Name COA Name Field - With the table name and the key fields defined, the last piece of information is what descriptive field to infer. Typically it is the ‘full’ name that is 60 characters in length, but it could be the short name that is only 15 characters. Fields larger than the budget line name should not be used or the description will be cut off.

  • Enable Start and End Date Tracking - Enable to infer the Start and End Dates fields on the budget line using Reporting Start and End Dates from the Appropriation Unit entered on a budget line for reporting purposes only. Actual control of when a budget can and cannot be used is a function of the Active status of the budget line, budget availability, and BFY Staging.

The Fiscal Year of the budget line upon creation is used to infer the dates and not the Budget Fiscal Year. The inference is a soft one in that a value can be entered before the inference that will remain and the dates can be changed after inferring.

Please ensure that Appropriation is present on a given budget level when enabling.

  • Validate COA Combination - Enter the valid COA combination data object if budget lines need to be validated with a valid COA combination. For example, if the Fund and Department combination on the budget line needs to be validated against Valid Fund Department (VFD) data, then enter CVIN_FUND_DEPT in this field. This feature will allow budget lines to validate against the same combinations that accounting lines validate to prevent a budget line from being created that cannot be used. It is useful when such combinations are not pre-defined into the budget preparation process.

Please note that when using such an edit that all valid combinations budgeted must be defined on the COA valid combination validation table as the partial key logic used by accounting transactions is not used by the budget transaction. Further, the Budget Level where COA valid combination page is defined should have the COA element/s that are primary key from the combination page along with FY/BFY. Also, the COA invalid combination pages should not be entered for this feature.

  • COA Combination Message ID - Optionally enter a Message ID from Messages (MESG) to be issued on budget transactions when the COA combination is invalid when the one issued on accounting transactions is not desired.