Invalid Budget Control Options
This page allows you to view and edit the violation actions that have been prohibited from being selected as either default violation actions or allowed alternative violation actions for any budget control formula in the system. Excluded violation actions for decentralized budget structures can be specified separately from those of centralized budget structures. Excluded violation actions can also be separately specified for budget constraints and budget guidelines. You can use this page to ensure, for example, that no budget constraint attached to a decentralized budget could reject a transaction.
Excluded violation action options prevent violation actions from being selected at the System-Wide and Fund levels only if a violation action is excluded for use in both centralized and decentralized budgets. Otherwise, all violation actions are allowed when you set up budget constraints at the system-wide and fund levels.
No violation action can be excluded for both centralized and decentralized budget constraints or guidelines if that violation action is selected as either a default or an allowed violation action for a budget constraint or guideline already selected for use as a system-wide control formula.
Note that excluding violation actions on this page after budgets have been established in the system may effectively deactivate some budgets by excluding all possible violation actions from a budget line.