Reservation Type

The Reservation Type (RSRVT) reference page allows you to establish and maintain reservation types. The attributes of a reservation type are its description, fiscal year and reservation rate. These values are then selected on the budget transactions of budget structures that track spending by a Budget FY. The attributes of the reservation type selected are used to calculate the Budget Reserve field found on the budget inquiry page. Use of this feature requires setup that omits that amount of Budget Reserve from what is considered available (for example, Current Budget).

Changing the percentage on a record on this reference page will result in all budget lines with that Reservation Type to be updated. For an example, a Reservation Type of 2% setup to be used on travel budget lines would hold back 2% from spending, and a change from 2% to 5% would hold back an additional 3%. Likewise a change from 2% to 0% will release all funds withheld.