Special Control of Transfers Out
There are several methods of controlling the transferring of budget authority with very different types of control:
Net Zero Budget Impact Across Budget Lines: Basic budget transaction editing ensures that each transaction balances in terms of net transfers out and net transfers in, with or without additional transfer balancing settings defined at the budget level.
Not Decreasing a Budget Line Below Original Amount: Budget Guideline (#40) can be used to ensure the amount of transfers in is equal to or greater than the amount of transfers out for a given budget line.
Not Reducing a Group of Budget Lines Below a Base or Percentage that Base: An extended method of controlling transfers out based on a percentage of a configurable ‘base budget’ amount optionally exists on a subset of budget structures. Please see the descriptions of each budget structure for which this feature has been enabled.
This third method requires several setup steps for this feature before establishing controls.
Use Configure Page (DESIGNER):
To display the Transfer Base Limit Posting Codes and Transfer Out Posting Codes fields on the Budget Level Update (XX023) page.
To display the Transfer Limit Editing field on the budget transaction for the structure at the level where the control applies.
To display the Transfer Limit Editing field on the budget inquiry page (BQ##LV#) where the control applies.
To display the Transfer Limit Editing field on Budget Journal (JBUD).
Update the structure and level record on the Budget Level Update page to ‘turn on’ the feature. The Transfer Base Limit Posting Codes field defines the Base Amount on the Appropriation Transfer Limit (APTL) inquiry with the entry of one or more budget posting codes. A common choice for this field would be Adopted (B001) and Amendments (B003). The Transfer Out Posting Codes field defines what transfer out posting code(s) are part of the edit.
Add records to the Configurable Formula (BOFRMLA) page to default STRU_ID and LVL_ID to the R_APBUD_TRAN_CTRL business object, where the control applies to match the BQ##LV# page also updated.