Special Cost Accounting Budget Interaction
When continuing budgets are being used so that older budget dollars should be exhausted first before more current dollars, there is a special Cost Accounting interactions with a central control budget. The interaction is referred to as Budget Fiscal Year Front-End Split logic (or BFY FES). Rolling unspent budget dollars forward comingles funds across budget years, so that budget feature is not desired in sites that wish to keep budget dollars separate. Setting up the BFY FES feature requires updates in several Application Parameter records.
Parameter Records |
Description |
Perform BFY Logic in FES (BFY_FES) |
When set to True, the Budget Fiscal Year (BFY) Front-End-Split (FES) logic is enabled. This logic uses older budget year monies in a First-in-First-Out (FIFO) basis. This means that the oldest BFY that still has money is used first until it is depleted, then the system moves to the next oldest, and goes forward from there. The delivered value for this parameter is False so that the FIFO behavior is not invoked, resulting in standard BFY logic. When set to True the three other BFY FES parameters need to be completed. |
BFY FES Budget Structure (BFY_FES_STRU_ID) |
This parameter is read when the Perform BFY Logic in FES (BFY_FES) parameter is set to True. This parameter indicates the Budget Structure ID that should be used to look for ‘active’ years of funding. The Budget Structure ID provided must be an active budget structure as well as one flagged as Budget Fiscal Year Driven on the Budget Structure (BUDST) page. |
BFY FES Budget Level (BFY_FES_LVL_ID) |
This parameter is read when the Perform BFY Logic in FES (BFY_FES) parameter is set to True. This parameter indicates the Budget Level that should be used to look for ‘active’ years of funding. The Budget Level ID must be valid for the BFY FES Budget Structure ID (BFY_FES_LVL_ID) and not one defined as the audit/activity level. |
BFY FES Budget Control ID (BFY_FES_CNST_ID) |
This parameter is read when the Perform BFY Logic in FES (BFY_FES) parameter is set to True. This parameter indicates the Budget Control ID that should be used to calculate availability. The Budget Control ID must be a valid budget control that has been turned on. (Default Violation for the control is set to any other value than Not Selected.) Controls 1 and 5 are very likely choices for this parameter. |
Refer to the Cost Accounting User Guide for more information as this feature contains several limitations.