Specialty Actions

The following actions exist for a Budget Transaction:

Load Constraints & Set Line Control

Choose Revenue Line(s), Load Links, and Link

Auto Allotment Distribution

Rollup Lines

If a user makes any changes to the transaction after the rollup, that balancing is very likely not going to be in place any longer. The most common scenario is the entry of more than one line at a lower budget level, followed by a rollup action, and then a change of Chart of Accounts (COA) on one or more of those lower-level budget lines that now exists at the upper level. Changing a COA at a lower level that does not exist at the immediate upper level is harmless.

A few examples are given below:

The Rollup Lines action performs the following when invoked:

  1. Performs a save on the entire budget transaction

  2. Finds if budget lines exist on the transaction for a level greater than level 1

  3. Deletes all budget lines, links, and line level controls above the lowest budget level entered on the transaction

  4. Saves those deletions

  5. Takes the budget line(s) at the lowest budget level and summarizes those lines on key elements that match the definition of the next upper budget level, retaining unique Event Type and Action values.  Descriptive fields are not retained.

  6. Inserts and saves the summarized lines created automatically.  Repeats steps 5 and 6 with the current summary level for each progressively higher budget levels until level 1 is finished.

  7. For each parent budget line at levels higher than the lowest in the transaction with an Action of New, a lookup is performed to the respective budget level to see if the line already exists or not.  If it exists, the Action is set to Modify.  If not, the Action is left as New.

  8. Resets all change tracking fields used by the system to prompt a user that changes made since the last rollup may require another rollup.