Transfer Spending Budget Authority
The following depicts the online modification of two budget lines where budget authority is transferred from one budget line to another. Please note there can be edits or approval routing in place to prevent the transfer between budget lines with different Funds or other COA values.
To transfer spending budget authority from one budget line to another budget line, perform the same steps as Modify Budget Lines with the following exceptions:
On the budget line loosing authority, set the Event Type field to Transfer Out (BG07 or BG22 - Award for reimbursement budgets).
Enter a Dollar Amount for the modified budget line.
Leave the Increase/Decrease field to default to Increase.
Enter values in each of the COA fields that define the existing budget line to be transferred from. Use any picks as necessary. None of these fields can be left blank.
Click Insert New Line to create the second budget line.
Set the Action to Modify.
Set the Event Type field to Transfer In (BG06 or BG22 - Award for reimbursement budgets).
Enter a Dollar Amount for the modified budget line.
Leave the Increase/Decrease field to default to Increase.
Enter values in each of the COA fields that define the existing budget line to be transferred to. Use any picks as necessary. None of these fields can be left blank.
The scenario picks back up with the 'Rollup Lines’ step of the basic modification scenario.