Business Process
The Business Process (BUSPROC) reference page is used to define each unique instance of a business process. Please note that a business process is independent of a business role, which allows a process to be shared across multiple roles and be defined only once. Note: The Enterprise Search Lite Indexer job must be run after changes are made to this page.
Field InformationField Information
Field Name |
Description |
Business Process ID |
A unique identification of a business process for system use. Business Process IDs less than 500000 are reserved for delivered and sample business processes. Numbering is controlled by a Unique Numbering record of R_BUS_PROC. |
Business Process Name |
A required long descriptive name of a business process. This value is displayed to users in the primary navigation menu and used for the title of the business process landing page. |
Business Process Short Name |
A required short descriptive name of a business process. When multiple business processes have the same name (for example, Configuration or Research), it is helpful to use this field or the Internal Business Process Description field to clearly differentiate the records. |
Business Process Description |
A required lengthy description of a business process that is intended to convey a user that the process contains the resource target necessary to complete their task. This information appears at the top of a business process landing page. |
Internal Business Process Description |
An optional lengthy descriptive field to capture any type of internal information for subsequent business role administrators about a business process. |
Active |
An indication that can be used to prevent the display of a business process within all associated business roles without deleting that association. This feature allows the retention of ‘future use’ processes. |
Icon |
The required icon from the icon repository used to represent the business process in the primary navigation menu. In order to make a new icon available here, the icon file must first be placed in the ADV_ICON_REPO database table through DML. Before using the file, the following files have to be updated followed by a rebuild and deployment of the UI project: advantage-icon.eot, advantage-icons.svg, advantage-icons.ttf, advantage-icons.woff, and app.component.css. |
Parent Business Roles |
A system-maintained field that lists each Business Role ID that a business process is associated with for informational purposes in the event, a modification to the process is being considered and the impact of that change needs to be known. Updates to this field are made when adding associations on the Business Role Association page. |