Business Role Association
The Business Role Association (BUSROLAS) reference page consists of several tabs for associating business processes to business roles, business activities to business processes, and resource targets to business activities. As with other structured reference data pages, this one starts with a search to locate a particular business role. Note: The Enterprise Search Lite Indexer job must be run after changes are made to this page.
View & Edit – Both actions transition you to a page with four tabs. The first is just a protected view of the Business Role page as discussed earlier. The other tabs are defined below.
Business Role and Business Process (tab)
Field InformationField Information
Field Name |
Description |
Row ID |
A hidden field to identify each association uniquely. Numbering is controlled by a Unique Numbering record of R_BUSROLE_BUSPROC. |
Business Process ID |
The identification of an individual business process associated with the selected business role. |
Business Process Name |
The inferred name of the Business Process ID entered/selected. |
Display Order |
The desired order of presentation of the business processes within the business role. If left blank, then display is done in the order added after those with a display order. |
Related ActionsRelated Actions
Delete – This action deletes the association but does not delete the business process.
Link to Business Role – This action transitions you to the Select Business Role pop-up window where you can search and select another business role in the application to which you want to link the current business process. Once selected, click OK to complete the linking action.
Business Process – A transition to the Business Process reference page for instances where the business process being associated needs an update or a new business process needs to be created for association.
Business Process and Business Activity (tab)
Field InformationField Information
Field Name |
Description |
Row ID |
A hidden field to identify each association uniquely. Numbering is controlled by a Unique Numbering record of R_BUSPROC_BUSACTV. |
Business Process Name |
The inferred name of the Business Process ID selected on the previous tab. |
Business Activity ID |
The identification of an individual business activity associated with the selected business process. |
Business Activity Name |
The inferred name of the Business Activity ID entered/selected. |
Display Order |
The desired order of presentation of the business activities within the business process. If left blank, then display is done in the order added after those with a display order. |
Related ActionsRelated Actions
Delete – This action deletes the association but does not delete the business activity.
Link to Business Process – This action transitions you to the Select Business Process pop-up window where you can search and select another business process in the application to which you want to link the current business activity. Once selected, click OK to complete the linking action.
Business Activity – A transition to the Business Activity reference page for instances where the business activity being associated needs an update or a new business process needs to be created for association.
Business Activity and Resource (tab)
Field InformationField Information
Many fields that are display-only were not mentioned as they are defined earlier in the Resource Target reference page section.
Field Name |
Description |
Row ID |
A hidden field to identify each association uniquely. Numbering is controlled by a Unique Numbering record of R_BUSACTV_RSRCTRGT. |
Business Activity Name |
The inferred name of the Business Activity ID selected on the previous tab. |
Resource ID |
The identification of an individual resource target associated with the selected business activity. |
Resource Name |
The inferred name of the Resource ID entered/selected. |
Grouping |
When there are resource targets for an activity where some are the main ones used and others are seldom used, the two values – Primary and Secondary for this field makes that distinction on the business process landing page. |
Display Order |
The desired order of presentation of the business activities within the business process. If left blank, then display is done in the order added after those with a display order. |
Related ActionsRelated Actions
Delete – This action deletes the association but does not delete the business activity.
Resource Target – A transition to the Resource Target reference page for instances where the resource target being associated needs an update or a new resource target needs to be created for association.
Note: A page using carousel menu usually has one resource target defined for each carousel tile on the page. When you configure a carousel menu to hide a link, you should also update the BUSROLAS setup so that the corresponding system resource target is not displayed.