Delivered Power BI Analytics

A limited number of Power BI analytics are available in the Artifact Library. These can be downloaded and tweaked, as necessary. Sites can then convert the analytic to a widget to add to the widget library, so they can be used on a home page. Your site will need a Power BI license in order to use Power BI analytics on the home page.

After an Embedded Analytic has been added to the widget library, links to the analytic can be added to the page-level menu for the following types of pages:

  • Transaction pages

  • Activity folders

  • Reference pages

  • Inquiry pages

Refer to theHow to add a Power BI Analytic to an Application Page" topic in the CGI Advantage System Administration Guide for instructions on how to update the metadata for a page to add a link to an analytic from the page-level menu.

If an analytic needs to be displayed on a carousel page, then it will be added as a carousel tile, and when the tile is selected, the Power BI Analytic is displayed on the page. Refer to the How to add a Power BI Analytic to a Carousel Tile" topic in the CGI Advantage System Administration Guide for instructions on how to update the metadata for a page to add a carousel tile for an analytic.

The following is just a sample listing of Power BI Analytics that are delivered with CGI Advantage.

  • Financial:

  • FIN - Organizational Cash Flow (Line and Clustered Column chart)

  • FIN - Retiring Assets by Location (Geo maps with Drill through functionality)

  • HRM:

  • HRM - Employee Attrition (Clustered Column chart with Drill down functionality)

  • HRM - Employee Onboarding (Clustered Column chart with Drill down functionality)

  • HRM - Position Vacancy (Stacked Column chart with Drill down functionality)

  • Performance Budgeting:

  • PB - Strategic Plan Watch List (Multiple visualizations including Gauge and Table with Drill Through functionality)

  • PB - Monitor Budget vs Actual (Line and Clustered Column chart)