Home Page Configuration

The following pre-requisites are required before a user can create a new home page in Advantage and associate the home page with a business role.

The following steps should be followed to create a home page, associate the home page with a business role and publish the home page.

Step 1: Create a Home Page

Refer to the following steps for creating a home page.

  1. Navigate to the Home Page Configuration (HOMEPG) page.

  2. Select the Create button to create a new home page.

  3. On the General Information tab, populate all required fields. (Note: The Associate Business Roles field will be blank at this time.)

  4. On the Workspace tab, Widgets and QuickLinks are available to add to a home page layout. Here, the contents are filtered based on the Mobile setting. On a mobile home page, only widgets and quick links with Mobile as Yes are displayed. On all other home pages, only widgets and quick links with Mobile as No are displayed.

  5. On the Workspace tab, select Widgets from the Widgets tab in the left panel and then select the Add button to add the Widgets to the Workspace area in the right panel. You can also drag and drop Widgets from the Widgets tab to the Workspace area.

  6. On the Workspace tab, select QuickLinks from the QuickLinks tab in the left panel and then select the Add button to add the QuickLink to the Workspace area in the right panel. You can also drag and drop QuickLinks from the QuickLinks tab to the Workspace area.

  7. On the Workspace tab, in the Workspace area you can move the QuickLinks and Widgets around to the desired location.

On a non-mobile home page: You can add up to 8 QuickLinks horizontally. The width of the Widgets will determine how many widgets you can add horizontally. Vertically, the Workspace area does not have any restrictions. (Note: The height and width of the widgets can be adjusted on the Widget Library page.) You can add the Blank QuickLink to your Workspace to add spacing between the widgets and quick links. This QuickLink can be used on your Workspace as many times as necessary. Users will not see the QuickLink when they view the home page; instead, they will only see a blank space equal to the size of the QuickLink.

On the mobile home page: The Workspace area is used to determine the relative ordering of the Widgets and QuickLinks rather than the actual spacing between them. If both Widgets and QuickLinks are defined on the layout, then on the actual mobile home page, Widgets are shown first, appearing left to right, then top to bottom order, followed by QuickLinks in a similar fashion. Widgets and QuickLinks appear with the same size on the Mobile Home Page. If Widgets and QuickLinks are not added on the Workspace tab, then the default home page is generated based on the home page file linked to the mobile home page configuration.

  1. You can remove Widgets and QuickLinks from the Workspace area by selecting the X on the top right corner of the Widget or QuickLink.

  2. Once you have added all required QuickLinks and Widgets in the Workspace area, then you can select the Save & Close button to save and close out of the record.

  3. Refer to “Step 2: Associate a Home Page with a Business Role” for associating a home page with a Business Role.

Step 2: Associate a Home Page with a Business Role

Refer to the following steps for associating a home page with a Business Role. Mobile home page is not linked to any Business Role.

  1. Navigate to the Business Role (BUSROLE) page.

  2. Search for the Business Role that should be linked to the home page you created in “Step 1: Create a Home Page”.

  3. Select Edit from the row-level menu for the selected Business Role.

  4. Select the home page from the Home Page ID pick list.

  5. Select the Save & Close button to save and close out of the record.

  6. Refer to “Step 3: Publish Business Role and Home Page” for publishing the changes made to the business role, including the associated home page.

Step 3: Publish Business Role and Home Page

Refer to the following steps for publishing the changes made to the Business Role and the new home page. Note: This step assumes that the online.extension.db.mode property in the server_bootstrap.properties file is set to true.  If online.extension.db.mode = false, then the System Administrator must run the postcd process, which is a combination of multiple processes (or jobs), followed by a bounce of the application, to published the changes.

  1. Navigate to the Publish (PUBLISH) page.

  2. Select the Publish button to publish all the changes made for the Business Role including the associated home page.

  3. The following message “Publishing pending Business Roles. Notification will be sent once it is complete” will be displayed. You will receive an Alert once the Publish action has successfully completed, if Alerts are configured for the system.

  4. Log out and then log in with the User ID that is mapped to the Business Role selected during “Step 2: Associate a Home Page with a Business Role”. If the User ID is mapped to more than one Business Role, then you can select the desired Business Role from the User Profile (in the far right corner of the Global Navigation bar) to view the Home Page.