The Publish (PUBLISH) page is used to perform the Publish action on all changes made by a user for a business role. Updates include not only the business role, process, activity and resource target structure, but also to home pages associated with business roles.
The Publish action also publishes the Mobile Home Page.
Related ActionsRelated Actions
Publish – After a new role has been created or an existing one updated, this action will push out the updates so that they are available upon the next use of the role. Note: The ENABLE_HOMEPAGE_UPDATES parameter in the ERP Application Parameters (ERPCTRL) page must be set to true in order to publish the home page changes and left navigation menu changes immediately. When the ENABLE_HOMEPAGE_UPDATES parameter is set to false, the System Administrator must run the post_cd process, which is a combination of multiple processes (or jobs, which includes MenuGenerator job, commonpaldb job, and prodpaldb job), followed by a bounce of the application to publish the changes. Note: whenever the ENABLE_HOMEPAGE_UPDATES parameter value in ERP Application Parameters (ERPCTRL) changes, a logout and login is required for the changes to take effect. When making a large number of updates to different roles, it is recommended that batch processing be used to register the updates. Please see the Advanced – Batch Processing section for more details.