Batch Jobs

The batch jobs are listed in the table below and the last column indicates the location in the Batch Catalog. For detailed information on the job (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters) refer to the associated run sheet in the following user guide: CGI Advantage - Financial Utilities Run Sheets guide and CGI Advantage - General Accounting Run Sheets guide.

Job Name


Batch Catalog Section

COA Usage Verification

This job verifies whether a COA element, sub element, rollup, or other COA table record has been successfully used before allowing the code to be deleted.


Automatic Transaction Correction

This job uses the Automatic Transaction Correction (ADCP) page to select accounting lines on draft transactions using the left-hand column of criteria and make changes to the accounting line with right-hand column values. The intended use is to fix certain accounting line errors on a group of rejected transactions.


Open Activity Roll & Open Activity & Budget Roll – Reorg Only

Each chain job run with the Reorg flag checked on the Parameters for Roll Process (RLPA) ID used will not increment the BFY but will make COA changes according to the Process ID from the COA Crosswalk (COAX) reference page.

General Accounting

Accounting Template Validation

This job validates all or a subset of the active records on the Accounting Template page. A report is produced with templates and associated errors. The process contains an option to inactivate all templates that are not valid.

General Accounting

Accounting Template Mass Change Load

This job selects all or a subset of active templates to load to the Accounting Template Mass Change (ACTPLMC) page for review and any necessary updates.

General Accounting

Accounting Template Mass Update

This job selects all or a subset of Accounting Template Mass Change records and updates the Accounting Template page.

General Accounting