Data Entry Sequence

The definition of the chart of accounts measures needs to follow a particular sequence because many of the measures are dependent on others. The high-level approach to loading these codes is:

  1. Create Fiscal Year (FY) reference page entries for all years that chart of account codes will be defined if records do not already exist.

  2. Define rollup codes. If not, you will have to circle back and enter rollups for elements established. Either method is certainly acceptable.

  3. Define primary elements such as Object before establishing Sub Objects.

  4. Define Departments on both reference pages (DEPT & DEPTFY) before defining most of the Programmatic elements and all of the Cost Accounting elements as Department are likely part of the key to these elements.

  5. Completion of combination validation, inference, and required element pages will now be possible as well as areas such as System Wide Defaults (SPEC) and other pages that supply default codes.