Deletion of Chart of Accounts

Users with the proper security may need to take the rare action of deleting a chart of account code, sub code or rollup because the code is no longer needed or was never used. When the delete action is selected on the reference page, the system will determine if usage of that code should be verified. The COA Deletion Prevention parameter on the Application Parameters (APPCTRL) page controls usage verification. A setting of either of the following will trigger the usage verification logic.

1 = Usage verification but deletion not allowed

2 = Usage verification and deletion allowed

The most common scenario starts with a user making the first attempt to delete a COA code. The system with either setting above will create and submit an instance of the COA Usage Verification batch job. The job researches whether or not a COA code has been used by a budget or accounting transaction that is currently in the Pending Transaction Phase or has gone to the Final or Historical Final Transaction Phase in the past so that an update was made to the Budget, Accounting, or Cost Accounting Journals.

The user must wait until the system has finished the usage verification. If not, the message about needing to do verification issued upon the first deletion attempt will be issued again. After the system has finished the verification and the user makes another deletion attempt:

  • If the COA code has not been used, and the COA Deletion Prevention parameter is set to 2, then the COA code is deleted.

  • If the COA code has been used, and the COA Deletion Prevention parameter is set to 2, then the COA code is deleted and a warning error is issued indicating that the code was deleted, although it was used.

  • If the COA code has not been used and the COA Deletion Prevention parameter is set to 1, then a message is received indicating that the COA code has not been used, but deletion is not allowed. A system administrator must be notified to temporarily change the setting of the COA Deletion Prevention parameter to 2 so that the code can be deleted; remembering to change the parameter back to 1 after the COA code has been deleted.

  • If the COA code has been used and the COA Deletion Prevention parameter is set to 1, then a message is received indicating that the COA code has been used, but deletion is not allowed. A system administrator must be notified to temporarily change the setting of the COA Deletion Prevention parameter to 2 so that the code can be deleted; remembering to change the parameter back to 1 after the COA code has been deleted.

In the case that a COA has been used, it is the responsibility of the user that is attempting the deletion to ensure all necessary steps have been taken for the deletion. That will include deletion of records on pages that also store that code (e.g. deleting a BSA requires all records on the Valid Fund and BSA Combination).

If the APPCTRL record is set to 3 - Usage verification disabled so deletion is allowed – then a user with security to delete a COA code can do so and the system will not verify usage.