Examples of Delivered Combinations

CGI Advantage is delivered with the following combination validation pages. Each is likely delivered as inactive on the Inference and Combination Validation Setup (INFVALD) page to ensure there is no performance impact from a page that is not used. If one of the following is to be tested, then after making the entry for the database table representing the valid or invalid page (look to the Destination Page field on the Application Page Registration record for the Page Code) the application must be bounced to recognize that change. If not using a page that is active, it is suggested that you deactivate it.

Care should be exercised when putting one of these pages into service concerning accounting transaction activity already recorded. New setup may render some of that activity as invalid now, preventing modifications, cancellations, and references. A review of existing activity is warranted if COA that have already been used are placed within one of these combination validation pages. This care is also warranted if a page has previously been used but a new COA code is now being added that has not been used to define combinations before.




Fiscal Year


Balance Sheet Account

In the absence of using either of these pages, any balance sheet account can be used with any fund. Use of one or both pages can limit those combinations, to limit combinations such as only warrants payable and cash with a warrant clearing fund.

Valid Fund BSA Combination (VFBSA)

A partial key lookup of Fund is performed.

Invalid Fund BSA Combination (IFBSA)


Fiscal Year



As budget control typically defines what fund and department combinations can be used, that is not always the case when an appropriation budget is at a higher level than those COA or the activity being recorded is not budgeted. Furthermore, the creation of new budget lines does not read this valid combination unless configured to do so in the settings of a budget level.

Valid Fund Department Combination (VFD)

A partial key lookup of Fund is performed.

Invalid Fund Department Combination (IFD)


Fiscal Year


Revenue Source

Revenue budget control will typically control fund and revenue source combinations, but that is not always the case when there is only an appropriation budget or non-budgeted revenues are being recorded.

Valid Fund Revenue Combination (VFRSRC)

A partial key lookup of Fund is performed.

Invalid Fund Revenue Combination (IFRSRC)


Fiscal Year

Transaction Code


As transactions only require an object entered to be valid in the year of the transaction, these two combination validation pages exist to keep objects that should not be used on certain transactions from being used. The most common use is to restrict payroll objects to just the transactions that record payroll activity or making the payroll object invalid on procurement transactions.

Valid Transaction Code and Object Combination (VDOCOBJ)

A partial key lookup of Transaction Code is performed.

Invalid Transaction Code and Object Combination (IDOCOBJ)





Event Type

As all phases in a program (grant or project) should not allow all types of accounting, these combination validations can enforce a limited set allowed. Unlike other combination validations, this one can have records removed as a phase nears or is at the end (e.g. encumbrances not allowed after a phase is done but payables of existing encumbrances are allowed).

Valid Phase/Event Types (VPHEVNT)

A partial key lookup of Department, Program, and Phase is performed.

Invalid Phase/Event Types (IPHEVNT)





This page is not an official combination validation page in the sense it contains many control and reporting attributes, but is included here because it does enforce valid combinations.

Program Phase (PHPRG)

Please see the CGI Advantage – Cost Accounting User Guide for more information on this page.

Fiscal Year




This page is used to control what units can charge a program (grant or project) when only a subset of those units within a department should be associated with the program.

Valid Unit Program Combination (VUPROG)

A partial key lookup of Department and Unit is performed.

Budget Fiscal Year







Although the page has ‘requirements’ in the title it is really a combination validation page that is automatically loaded as new budget lines are created at level 3 in budget structure 44. The use of this page allows level 3 of that budget structure to be an optional level for the partial key when there is no partial key match and a required level when there is a partial key match.

Budget 44 Level 3 Requirements (RB44L3)

A partial key lookup of Budget Fiscal Year, Fund, Department, Appropriation, Group, and Object is performed.

Budget Fiscal Year





Revenue Source


Although the page has ‘requirements’ in the title it is really a combination validation page that is automatically loaded as new budget lines are created at level 3 in budget structure 45. The use of this page allows level 3 of that budget structure to be an optional level for the partial key when there is no partial key match and a required level when there is a partial key match.

Budget 45 Level 3 Requirements (RB45L3)

A partial key lookup of Budget Fiscal Year, Fund, Department, Appropriation, Group, and Revenue Source.

Fiscal Year




When control of what activities can be recorded with an appropriation, this page is used to define that control when a required expense budget and level does not provide that editing.

Valid Activity Appropriation Combination (VAA)

A partial key lookup of Department and Activity is performed.

Fiscal Year




When a grant or project needs to control what activities can be used to just those allowed for reimbursement or other type of control, this page is used to define those  combinations.

Valid Program Activity Combination (VPACTV)

A partial key lookup of Department and Program is performed.

Fiscal Year





When a grant or project needs to control what activities can be used within a phase to just those allowed for reimbursement or other type of control, this page is used to define those combinations.

Valid Program Phase Activity Combination (VPPA)

A partial key lookup of Department and Program is performed.


Sub Fund



When control is needed to associate which fund and sub fund combinations can be used to fund a program, this page is used to define that control.

Valid Program Fund Sub Fund Combination (VFSP)

A partial key lookup of Department and Program is performed.

Fiscal Year




When control is needed to define what objects can be used with a fund and department combination because only an appropriation budget is used or a required expense budget and level does not exist for those elements, this page is used to define those controls.

Valid Fund Appropriation and Object Combination (VFAO)

A partial key lookup of Fund and Appropriation is performed.

Fiscal Year





When control is needed to define what objects can be used with a fund, department and appropriation combination because only an appropriation budget is used or a required expense budget and level does not exist for those elements, this page is used to define those controls.

Valid Fund Department Appropriation Object Combination (VFDAO)

A partial key lookup of Fund is performed.

Fiscal Year




When control is needed to define what objects can be used with a department and appropriation combination because only an appropriation budget is used or a required expense budget and level does not exist for those elements, either one or both of these pages is used to define those controls.

Valid Appropriation Object Combination (VAPPROBJ)

A partial lookup of Fiscal Year, Appropriation and Department is performed.

Invalid Appropriation Object Combination (IAPPROBJ)


Fiscal Year




When control is needed to define what revenue sources can be used with a fund and appropriation combination because only an appropriation budget is used or a required revenue budget and level does not exist for those elements, this page is used to define those controls.

Valid Fund Appropriation and Revenue Combination (VFAR)

A partial key lookup of Fund and Appropriation is performed.

Fiscal Year




When control is needed to define what revenue sources can be used with a department and appropriation combination because only an appropriation budget is used or a required revenue budget and level does not exist for those elements, either one or both of these pages is used to define those controls.

Valid Department Appropriation Revenue Combination (VAPPRSRC)

A partial lookup of Fiscal Year, Appropriation and Department is performed.

Invalid Department Appropriation Revenue Combination (IAPPRSRC)


Fiscal Year




When a single point of control is needed to define allowable activities for a phase, without respect to any individual major program or program, this page is used to define those controls so they do not have to be defined with each program as done on the Valid Program Phase Activity Combination (VPPA) page.

Valid Phase and Activity Combination (VPHACTV)

A partial key lookup of Department and Phase is performed.

Fiscal Year



When not using appropriation for budgeting or only using an appropriation budget not defined with these elements, this page is used to control what appropriations can be used with what fund.  All combinations must be defined if this page is used because there is no partial key to this page. There is a unique error message for this page so that the severity can be adjusted for times when the control should be bypassed.

Valid Fund Appropriation Combination (VFAPPR)


Fiscal Year





When control is needed to define what combinations of these elements are allowed because only an appropriation budget is used or a required revenue or spending budget and level does not exist for those elements, this page is used to define those combinations.

Valid Fund Unit Appropriation Combination (VFDUA)

A partial key lookup of Department is performed.


Task Order


When using task order as a large work order or a project of similar size where steps are defined as tasks, this page is used to control those combinations.

Valid Department Task Order Task Combination (VTOT)

A partial key lookup of Department and Task Order is performed.

Budget Fiscal Year


Major Program


Program Period


When a grant or project needs to control which activities can be used in a program period, these pages can be used to control those combinations by defining which can be used (valid page) or which cannot be used (invalid page).  They function at a further COA level than the Program Activity Exception (PAEX) page. One example would be to prohibit the use of activities that are not reimbursable.

Valid Program PPC Activity Combination (VPPCACTV)

A partial key lookup of Budget Fiscal Year and Department is performed.

Invalid Program PPC Activity Combination (IPPCACTV)


Budget Fiscal Year


Major Program


Program Period


Department Object Category

When a department is using the department object element and needs to apply controls for which of those can be used within this combination of chart of accounts, this page is used to provide that control.

Valid PPC Activity Department Object Category (VPPADOBJ)

A partial key lookup of Budget Fiscal Year, Department, Major Program, Program, Program Period and Activity is performed.

Invalid PPC Activity Department Object Category (IPPADOBJ)


Budget Fiscal Year


Major Program


Program Period


Event Type

When a department needs to control accounting events used for an activity within a grant, this page is used to provide that control.

Valid Program PPC Activity Event Type Combination (VPPAETYP)

A partial key lookup of Budget Fiscal Year, Department, Major Program, Program, Program Period and Activity is performed.

Invalid Program PPC Activity Event Type Combination (IPPAETYP)


Budget Fiscal Year



Department Object Category

When a department is using the department object element and needs to apply controls for which of those can be used within this combination of chart of accounts, this page is used to provide that control.

Valid Appropriation Department Object Category Combination (VAPPRDOB)

A partial key lookup of Budget Fiscal Year, Department, and Appropriation is performed.

Invalid Appropriation Department Object Category Combination (IAPPRDOB)


Budget Fiscal Year



Major Program


Program Period

When control is needed to associate which appropriations can be used to fund a program and program period, this page is used to define that control.

Valid Appropriation Program Period Combination (VAPPRPPC)

A partial lookup of Budget Fiscal Year, Department, and Appropriation is performed.

Invalid Appropriation Program Period Combination (IAPPRPPC)


Fiscal Year




When control is needed to define what combinations of these elements are allowed because only an appropriation budget is used or a required revenue or spending budget and level does not exist for those elements, this page is used to define those combinations.

Valid Fund Department Appropriation Combination (VFDAPPR)

A partial key lookup of Fiscal Year, Fund, Department, and Appropriation is performed.

Fiscal Year

Transaction Code

Transaction Department

Bank Account

These two combination validation pages exist to keep bank accounts that should not be used on certain transactions and departments from being used.

Valid Transaction Code Department Bank Combination (VHDRBNK)

A partial key lookup of Transaction Code and Transaction Department is performed.

The Deposit Default indication can be used to default a Bank Account to the header of the Cash Receipt or Charge Transaction Types when only one bank should be allowed, or one is the most common.

Invalid Transaction Code Department Bank Combination (IHDRBNK)


Budget Fiscal Year


Department Object

Location Category

When a department want to record and control where certain types of spending or all spending occurs, this page is used to provide that control through a rollup of location.

Valid Department Object Location Category Combination (VDOBJLOC)

A partial key lookup of Budget Fiscal Year, Department, and Department Object is performed.

Budget Fiscal Year



Location Category

When a department wants to record and control where all program costs (and any revenues) are incurred, this page is used to provide that control through a rollup of location.

Valid Department Program Location Category Combination (VPROGLOC)

A partial key lookup of Budget Fiscal Year, Department, and Program is performed.

Fiscal Year




When control is needed to define which function can be used with a fund and department combination, this page can be used to define those controls. The page is designed to support Budget Structure 3 as the structure has rollups of all three COA fields so there is not a detail level of COA combination control.

Valid Fund Department Function Combination (VFDF)

A partial key lookup of Fund is performed.

Fiscal Year




Activity Class

When control is needed to define which activity class can be used with a department, unit, and appropriation combination, this page can be used to define those controls. All combinations must be defined if this page is used because there is no partial key to this page.

Valid Unit Appropriation Activity Class (VUAACLS)


Fiscal Year



Activity Class

When control is needed to define which activity class can be used with a department, and appropriation combination, this page can be used to define those controls. All combinations must be defined if this page is used because there is no partial key to this page.

Valid Appropriation Activity Class (VAACLS)


Fiscal Year




When control is needed to define what function can be used with a unit, this page can be used to define those controls.

Valid Unit and Functions (VUFUNC)

A partial key lookup of Department and Unit is performed.

Fiscal Year





When control is needed to define what activity and function can be used with a unit, this page can be used to define those controls.

Valid Unit Activity Function (VUAFUNC)

A partial key lookup of Department and Unit is performed.



Transaction Code


When control is needed to define what Program and Phase can be used for a particular Department in a specific transaction code, this page can be used to define those controls.

Valid Program Phase (VPP)




Transaction Code



When control is needed to define what Program, Phase, and Activity can be used for a particular Department in a specific transaction code, this page can be used to define those controls.

Valid Program Phase Activity Per Transaction (VPPAT)




Transaction Code

This combination validation table works in conjunction with VPP and VPPAT. Department Program Transaction Requirements grant users the ability to dictate which combination validation table takes precedence during transaction processing.

Department Program Transaction Requirements (DPDR)