Hierarchies and Rollups

CGI Advantage uses rollup codes to establish hierarchies beyond those of the primary and sub elements. These hierarchies can represent a tree-type relationship among a series of codes, separate independent measures, or a mix of the two. Having separate chart of accounts for rollups removes the need for smart-coding chart of account elements with imbedded rollups or relying on ranges of codes for grouping.

Common example of a measure with a mixture of hierarchical rollups and independent measures would be how automobiles are classified.

A vehicle registration number (VIN) would be the lowest level. Then above that there are categorizations for make, model, color, county registered in, and manufacturer. While make, model, and manufacturer are hierarchical, color and county registered in are not.  Thus color and county registered in are independent measures of a VIN.

Most hierarchies in CGI Advantage are optional and do not affect processing. Most do not have a built-in hierarchical structure, but one which you construct by populating rollup pages with values that are related to one another. CGI Advantage will then use those hierarchies to make reports and certain online queries such as journals and ledgers more meaningful in how they are organized and how they summarize data in varying degrees.

The decision whether to implement the various hierarchies, and to what extent depends on your use of reports and certain online queries such as journals and ledgers. The number of levels to implement in each hierarchy is dependent upon online and offline reporting needs. Of the more than 60 rollups delivered, some of these have no additional keys for uniqueness, while some are keyed by fiscal year and others by department.

Regardless of whether a user enters a chart of account code directly on a transaction or it is brought in from an inference, CGI Advantage obtains all rollups associated with the code from the appropriate reference page. The code and all rollups are then stored on the accounting line, posting line and journal records for historical purposes. Those rollups can even be stored on ledger records if desired to facilitate reporting and querying based on 'historical' rollup values when 'current' rollup values are not required.