CGI Advantage can be set up so that you can infer some chart of account element codes when you use others. These capabilities will save you time with data entry and help minimize errors. For example, an Appropriation code can be inferred from a Budget Fiscal Year, Fund, Department, Unit and Object combination. In fact, tables of this type can be built to infer any field on the accounting line from one or more fields on the accounting line, including dates, elements, rollups, and other fields.
There is a special feature available for this type of inference table, called a Powerful Inference. The feature enables an inference table to overlay any value in the field, or fields, inferred without warning to the user. When data consistency is the primary objective instead of data entry assistance, this feature is used. Without this feature, an inference will only populate a field if it is blank. Additionally, to get an inference to re-infer because fields have been manually changed, the field to infer must be cleared out by the user and a validation done again to the transaction.
In conjunction with the powerful inference, there are two optional configuration points for COA inference pages. The first is an Application Parameter of Powerful Inference Override (DOC_COA_OVRD_PWR_INF) that allows the specification of one or more inferences (by database table name) as the Parameter Value that are not a powerful inference by design to make them a powerful inference. The second configuration option extends that powerful feature of data entry control to inferring a blank value in a COA inference field to a transaction line so that any value entered or inferred from another location is cleared out, thus preventing there from ever being a value in that particular COA field when the inference is triggered. There is one such parameter delivered (DOC_COA_OVRD_PWR_INF_R_ACTG_TMPL) that can be used or serve as an example in that if the feature should be extended to another inference, then the record should be copied to create a 2nd record with the R_ACTG_TMPL being replaced with the database table name for the other inference page (for example, DOC_COA_OVRD_PWR_INF_FUND_FUNC_ACTV for the Organizational Inference page).
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