Required Elements

To support both budget control and the Event Requirements (ERQ) reference page, both of which enforce chart of account requirements at a system-wide level, CGI has the concept of a decentralized required element page. These can require any COA and other common accounting line field. This type of page enforces complete data entry. Transactions without accounting lines and tables with chart of account codes listed do not edit against these pages.

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On a required elements page, you create entries with one three levels of control: Required, Optional, or Prohibited. For performance reasons, there is no wildcard functionality supported so all the key fields to the requirement must be completed with valid values.

When a field is required but no valid value has been specified, a generic message (one without a message code) is issued stating, by name, that the field is required. When a field is prohibited but has a value specified, another generic message is issued stating, by name, that the field is prohibited. Here the end user is not told which required element table is being enforced.