Revenue Source

The Revenue Source element is generally used by a state or local government entity to track the types of revenue received to meet the reporting requirements of both external parties and those mandated by management to fulfill internal accountability requirements. A common example of how revenue sources can be used is that different series of revenue sources are often established to track the types of tax revenues versus federal grant revenues versus external party sales revenues. The number of revenue source codes that need to be established can be identified by management to meet the needs of both the external parties and those mandated by management to fulfill internal accountability requirements.

The Sub Revenue Source chart of accounts data element can be used to further classify the financial activity within a given Revenue Source. For example, using the information provided above, you may want to further delineate the types of revenues associated with Revenue Source '1100' for personal income taxes. Sub Revenue Sources could be established to track revenues that are considered as paid by full time resident taxpayers, part time resident taxpayers, and non-resident taxpayers. Thus, you could establish a Sub Revenue Source of '00' for full time resident taxpayers, '01' for part time resident taxpayers and '02' for non-resident taxpayers.



Key #1

Key #2

Revenue Source


Fiscal Year



Fiscal Year

Revenue Source

Revenue Source Class


Revenue Source Category


Revenue Source Type


Revenue Source Group


ACFR Major Revenue Type


ACFR Minor Revenue Type


Sample Revenue Source Hierarchies

CGI Advantage provides many levels of revenue information for reporting, budgeting, and controlling. Sub Revenue is the lowest level and is delivered as optional. Revenue Source is the first required level followed by several optional levels: Revenue Source Class, Revenue Source Category, Revenue Source Type, and Revenue Source Group at a higher level than Revenue. In addition to these, revenue accounting also uses hierarchies to support ACFR reporting with the rollups of Major ACFR Revenue Type and Minor ACFR Revenue Type.

Revenue Source Measure

Sample Value

Major ACFR Revenue Type

Revenues and Other Sources

Minor ACFR Revenue Type


Revenue Class

Energy Taxes

Revenue Category

Vehicle Taxes

Revenue Type

State Taxes

Revenue Group

Consumer Taxes

Revenue Source

Taxes - Motor Fuel

Sub Revenue Source

Diesel Fuel Tax

Specific Abilities for Revenue Sources

The following options apply to revenue source codes directly on the Revenue Source (RSRC) reference page and none apply to the Sub Revenue (SRSRC) reference page:

  • FASB Class Identification - An indication for FASB sites whether the revenue source is unrestricted temporarily restricted or permanently restricted. For GASB clients, this indicator is marked not applicable.

  • FHWA Revenue Credit - An indication that revenue source as available to be used as a revenue credit on a charge transaction.

  • Use Tax Collection - An indication whether use tax needs to be collected for a revenue source during the period from billing to receipt of cash.  

  • Transferable - An indication that a revenue source is one that can be transferred as part of an operational transfer.  

  • Operating - An optional indication for reporting whether or not a revenue source is for operating revenues.

  • Eligible for Intercept Process - An indication that a revenue source as one available to intercept a payment when that revenue source is entered on a Receivable (RE) accounting line for billed revenue.

  • External Reporting Number - An optional field for recording any type of information pertaining to a revenue source for reporting purposes.

For the following fields, more information can be found in the CGI Advantage – Accounts Receivable User Guide.

  • Finance Charge Fee 1 to 5 - Optional fields that can be used to define 1 to 5 finance charge fees to be used for a revenue source when System Options and at least one Billing Profile have allowed the override of finance charge fees.

  • Finance Charge Fee Override – An optional indication for a revenue source the system will go to the Finance Charge Setup reference page to retrieve any finance charges set there for the AR Department and AR Unit on the Receivable. Finance charge fees setup for the revenue source will not be used in this case.

  • Apply Interest on Tax - An indication to the Finance Charge system process to apply interest to Tax or not.

  • Apply Interest on Late Fee - An indication to the Finance Charge system process to apply interest to late fees or not.

  • Apply Interest on Administrative Fee - An indication to the Finance Charge system process to apply interest to administrative fees.

  • Apply Interest on NSF Fee - An indication to the Finance Charge system process to apply interest to NSF fees.

  • Apply Interest on Other Fee - An indication to the Finance Charge system process to apply interest to other fees.

  • Apply Interest Override – An indication whether or not the five ‘Apply Interest’ indications can be overridden at the Billing Profile.

  • Default Accounts and Codes - listed are each of the default accounts that can default from a fiscal year and revenue source if (1) the account has the override flag selected on the Revenue tab of the Special Accounts (SPEC) page and (2) the Posting Code defaulting the account has Revenue Source as valid in one of the inference source fields. Accounts are divided into two: Revenue Accounts and Applied Fee/WO Accounts. All accounts are optional, and for a more detailed explanation of each, refer to the "Revenue Defaults" topic in the CGI Advantage - Financial Administration User Guide.

  • Default Accounts - Each revenue source has the option of specifying one or more accounts that will default during transaction processing in the hierarchy specified for the posting code being used on the transaction with the default account. The use of each account can be found in the "Special Accounts and Special Fund Accounts" topic in the CGI Advantage - Financial Administration User Guide.

The following are other areas where revenue source codes are used to control with additional elements.

  • Revenue Budget Fiscal Year Stage Definition