Batch Jobs

The Check Writer area includes Batch Jobs that are listed alphabetically in the below table. For detailed information on the reports, refer to the associated run sheet in the CGI Advantage Accounts Payable Run Sheets guide.

Job Name


Batch Catalog Section

Automatic CW EFT Reversal Confirmation

This process is run frequently to automatically confirm Check Writer EFT reversals sent to the bank.

Note: The CW EFT Reversal Chain can be configured to run the Automatic CW EFT Reversal Confirmation job between the Build Flat File job and the Initiate CW Payment Cancellation job. You can also run the Automatic CW EFT Reversal Confirmation job as a standalone process before the CW EFT Reversal Chain.

Check Writer

CW Check/EFT Generation

The CW Check/EFT Generation is run after each successful CW file processed to assigns check numbers for CW check payments without pre-assigned check numbers (using Check Writer Pre-Assigned Check Numbers) and EFT tracking numbers for CW EFT payments.

Check Writer

CW Stale Escheat

This process is run on demand periodically to update outstanding CW checks after they have been outstanding longer than the Stale Days or Escheat Days on the Expense tab of System Options (SOPT). A Check Writer Cancellation (CWC) transaction is processed to record the stale or the escheat event.

Check Writer

CW Clean Up

This process is run on demand to delete records from CW Header, Payment, Accounting, and Addendum records created from a CW file before reloading the file after corrections.

Check Writer

CW Restore

This process is run on demand to restore data previously archived on the Check Writer Vendor Intercept (CWVINCT), Check Writer ACH Addendum (CWADMN), Check Writer Payment (CWPYMT), Check Writer Accounting (CWACTG), Check Writer Header (CWHDR), and Check Writer Pre-Assigned Check Number (CWCHK) pages.

Check Writer

CW Check Printing Generation

This process generates Check and Remittance Advice XML files. An alternative to this process to the CW Check Printing process for when CW checks are printed internally with Advantage.

Check Writer

CWWR Transaction Generation

This process is run frequently to generate Check Writer Warrant Reconciliation Auto (CWWRA) transactions to reclassify funds to cash for the warranted records that were reconciled by the Check Reconciliation batch process.

Check Writer

Initiate CW Mass Cancellation

This process is run on demand to initiate the cancellation of Check Writer payments. This job selects records from CW Cancellation Parameters (CWCPA) when one, a subset or all payments were created in error.

Note: This job is delivered as a standalone batch process. Your site can make configuration changes to run this job as part of the CW Cancellation process.

Check Writer