Business Area Overview

The Check Writer feature is best for high volume payments that originate outside of Advantage Financial where there is a single chart of account distribution or possibly a very small number. The benefit of Check Writer over regular disbursements is that, while getting the same hard copy and electronic payments, there is only a single accounting transaction. This greatly reduces data with just the first run.

All the payment requests for Check Writer are placed in a single input file, that is detailed in the Advanced - Batch Processing section of this user guide, which is uploaded. Check Writer functionality then ensures that all required information is supplied and validated before any other system information is updated. At that point, one or two of the confirmation points available on the Check Writer Header (CWHDR) page are used for a central and a departmental user to verify the results as uploaded are what is expected from the external system.

Common examples include:

  • Payroll payments out of a single net pay liability account and a payroll clearing fund

  • Tax revenue refunds

  • Child support

  • Unemployment insurance

  • Medicaid

When credit memos, encumbrances, single check consolidation, discounts, interest, penalties and backup withholding are a part of a disbursement set, Check Writer is not the method. Those types of payments are best interfaced through the General Accounting Expense/Expenditure (GAX) transaction and disbursed through the AD Chain process.