Chain Jobs
The Check Writer area includes Chain Jobs that are listed alphabetically in the below table. For detailed information on the jobs, refer to the associated run sheet in the CGI Advantage Financial - Accounts Payable Run Sheets guide or in the CGI Advantage Financial - Intercept Run Sheets guide.
Job Name |
Description |
Batch Catalog Section |
CW 1099 Posting |
This process is run after CW Check Printing Generation when using the 1099 Journal of Advantage for 1099 processing. The process builds 1099 journal records as the Check Writer Accounting transaction posted without any vendor and TIN information. |
Check Writer |
CW Accounting Transaction Generation |
This process is run after file certification and the Check Writer Pre-Edit process to create Check Writer Accounting (CWA) transactions to record the accounting event of one or more CW files. |
Check Writer |
CW ACH File Generation |
This process is run after the CW Check/EFT Generation process to build the XML output that will be the source for creating the four ACH flat files in the ACH Formatting process. |
Check Writer |
CW Archive |
This optional process is run on demand when the time has come to archive completed CW data after it has aged beyond a data retention policy. |
Check Writer |
CW Cancellation |
This process runs after the Initiate CW Mass Cancellation process to cancel the Check Writer Payment (CWPYMT) records that are marked for cancellation. |
Check Writer |
CW Check Printing Process |
This process runs after CW ACH File Generation as an alternate process to the CW Check Printing Generation process to create output files in a different layout for external printing. |
Check Writer |
CW EFT Return |
This process runs frequently to processes the CW EFT returns from the bank and initiates the cancellation for returned CW EFT payments. The process also marks the vendors as ineligible for EFT at the location level and address level, if applicable. |
Check Writer |
CW EFT Reversal |
This process runs frequently to perform two main functions:
Check Writer |
CW Intercept Transaction Generation |
This process is run after the CW Accounting Transaction Generation process to create a single CW Intercept Transfer transaction for each payment that was intercepted. |
Check Writer |
CW Pre-Edit |
This process is run after CW Table Load to verify the data loaded from the file and infer additional data in order to find errors before processing the file. Certification happens after the pre-edit. |
Check Writer |
CW Table Load |
This process is run when each CW file is received to load data to the CH Header, Payment, Accounting and ACH Addendum pages. |
Check Writer |
EFT ACH Archive Process |
This process runs on demand to archive data from the Check Writer EFT Reversal (CWEFTREV), Check Writer EFT Returns (CWEFTRET), EFT Reversal, EFT Return, CTX EDI Addenda, and AD Stubs Details (STUBDET) pages. |
Accounts Payable |
EFT Payment and Prenote NOC |
This process is run to support the interface needs required for an external payroll system and the use of Check Writer functionality within Advantage. As Advantage Financial is the system of record for payment and other bank interactions (that is, EFT status), information must be interfaced back to the external payroll system to keep EFT information there up-to-date. This job reads an input bank file and Check Writer Payment data to create a sequential text file for transmission to the external payroll system. |
Check Writer |
Federal CW Vendor Extract Chain |
This process is only run when using the intercept function of Federal Reciprocity in Advantage. It is run to identify unique Taxpayer ID Numbers (TINs) for Check Writer (CW) payments on Check Writer Payment (CWPYMT) scheduled for disbursement as checks or EFTs to miscellaneous or non- miscellaneous vendors and are subject to intercept on Check Writer Header (CWHDR). |
Intercept |
Federal CW Vendor Match Chain |
This process is only run when using the intercept function of Federal Reciprocity in Advantage. It is run to load the federal debts received from the U.S. Treasury Department's Financial Management Service (FMS) on the Non-Offset SADO Vendor Match File for taxpayers with scheduled Check Writer (CW) payments into Federal Vendor Intercept Header (FEDHDR) and Federal Vendor Intercept Match (FEDMTCH). |
Intercept |