Batch Jobs
The individual batch jobs are listed alphabetically in the table below. For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters) refer to the associated run sheet in the following guide: CGI Advantage Cost Accounting Run Sheets.
Job Name |
Description |
Maximo Other Cost |
This process tracks costs associated with Maximo Work Orders that can accumulate in CGI Advantage and have not been recorded in Maximo by either purchasing or disbursement transactions. These “other costs” need to be transmitted to Maximo, so that the Work Order totals in both systems will be accurate. |
Negative Draw Prevention |
This process is used to ensure there is no draw to an external funding source where the amount of the draw is $0.00 or less when there is no Minimum Billing Amount defined for the customer account. If there is a minimum then this process ensures the draw is less than minimum. The only exception to the minimum is if the Final Bill indication is true for the selected Program. When a prevented draw is identified, information is moved from Reimbursement Request to Ready for Reimbursement. |
Reimbursement Generation |
This process reads the Ready for Reimbursement data created by the Reimbursement Selection and Calculation process and the Reimbursement Holding data Reimbursement Generation process. Records are selected from those two data sources based on the run date and department entered supplied as input and the Reimbursement Frequency(s) that are applicable from the last run date to the input date. The process also applies CMIA drawdown rules as defined selected Funding Lines. |