CAM Transaction Type

The Cost Accounting Modification (CAM) transaction is the vehicle by which the setup established in multiple cost accounting-related tables is updated by a single transaction. The purpose of this Transaction Type is to facilitate a more efficient means of adding, modifying, or deleting what was entered by the Cost Accounting Setup (CAS) transaction or directly in the applicable Cost Accounting reference pages. It also addresses the ability to create a new cost accounting related budget line and/or modify the existing budget line.

Just as with the Cost Accounting Setup transaction, when finalized, the transaction cannot be modified or cancelled.

Implementation Notes: If any tabs or fields mentioned for this transaction type cannot be seen online, it is either because they have been hidden or labels adjusted using Configure Page (DESIGNER) or the feature represented by the missing pieces has not yet been implemented.

The CAM Transaction Type has the following structure:

Transaction Header (1)

Major Program (1)

Program (0 - n)

Program Phase (0 – n)

Program Period (0 – n)

Funding Profile (0 – n)

Funding Priority (0 – n)

Funding Line (0 – n)

Internal Buyer Funding Line (0 – n)

Funding Profile Inference (0 – n)

Import Budget Line (0 - n)

Budget (0 – n)

Created Transactions (0 – n)

CAM Delivered Transaction Codes