Drawdown Groups

The Drawdown Group (DDG) reference page is used to establish a means to link Major Programs and Programs across Departments in order to group that data together within reimbursement. The Major Programs and Programs associated with a Drawdown Group will have Receivable and Cash Receipt transactions generated that combine all Major Programs into a single transaction which belong to a Drawdown Group to simplifying the drawdown process.

Field InformationField Information

Several fields are self-explanatory with the following exceptions:

Field Name


Drawdown Department

A required identification of a Department that will be used as the Transaction Department on reimbursement transactions as a drawdown group will likely combine Major Programs and Programs from multiple Departments.

Drawdown Unit

A required identification of a Unit that will be used as the Transaction Unit on reimbursement transactions for security purposes.

CMIA Method

An indication of the CMIA drawdown method to be applied by the Reimbursement Generation system process. Valid values are: None, Zero Balance Accounting, Estimated Clearance, Pre-issuance Funding, Average Clearance, Two-Point Average Clearance, and Estimated/Average Clearance Hybrid.