Federal Appropriation Number

The Federal Appropriation Number (FAN) reference page records the federal code that connects a grant or project to a federal appropriation. The Federal Appropriation number is a critical field for Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) grant reimbursement as it is required on the FHWA’s Fiscal Management Information System (FMIS) file generated by the Reimbursement Output system process.

The values identified above are associated with rules that require a Federal Appropriation Number (FAN) for all Funding Lines where the Customer (funding source) is FHWA (for example, Cost Accounting Funding Type value for the Vendor Customer is FHWA (CMIA) or FHWA (Non-CMIA)), thus reducing the possibility of error in the creation of the FMIS file.

Field InformationField Information

Several fields are self-explanatory with the following exceptions:

Field Name


Demo Program

The FHWA can require a Demo ID on the file created for FMIS for certain Federal Appropriations. The setting of Required here will enforce a Demo ID be entered on those Funding Line records with the Federal Appropriation.

Funding Program

The FHWA can require a Funding Program on the file created for FIMIS. That information is pulled from the value entered here for a Federal Appropriation. Please see the Funding Program reference page for valid values.

Urban Attributable

An indication that when true (that is, selecting the check box) indicates Federal Appropriation is one that is urban attributable - one where funds are apportioned and obligated by State, program code, and urbanized area.

FHWA Grant Number Required

The FHWA can require a FHWA Grant Number on certain Federal Appropriations. A setting of True writes the FHWA Grant Number, specified on Program Period or Funding Line, corresponding to a Federal Appropriation, to the files created for FHWA FMIS system.

FHWA Purpose Program

The FHWA can require FHWA Purpose ID on the files created for FMIS for certain Federal Appropriations. The setting of Required here enforces that FHWA Purpose ID be entered on those Funding Line records with the Federal Appropriation.

FHWA Program Classification

This field is used to classify Federal Appropriations earmarked for specific purposes, (that is, Demo, FHWA Purpose, or N/A (default)). When the classification is set to FHWA Purpose, the Demo Program field can only be set to Prohibited.

Similarly, when the classification is Demo, FHWA Purpose Program can only be set to Prohibited.