Front-End Split Requirement

The Front-End Split Requirement (FESREQ) page allows the definition of which Chart of Account (COA) fields are Optional, Required or Prohibited on the Front-End Split subsection on the Funding Line setup page (found by navigating from the Funding Profile Select (FPRFLST) page). Use of this COA requirements feature is optional. Rules can be defined at a combination of Department and Major Program or at just Department. When set at the Department level, a wild-card Major Program value of ALL must be used. Definition at just Department will cause the same set of rules to be applied to all Major Programs of that Department unless an individual Major Program is defined on FESREQ with different rules.

This is not a standard COA Requirements page like the Fund Department Requirements (FDREQ) page, in that editing against FESREQ data is only done from the Funding Line setup page and not from the accounting transactions.

Field InformationField Information

A field listing is not provided, as all fields are self-explanatory.