Funding Line Smoothing

The situation can exist where the system is not rounding the dollars posting to funding lines within a priority correctly in all situations where the funding priority budget is exhausted. The system will always round the pennies of the funding line to the first line within a priority. This can result in the funding lines, within a non-overflow funding priority, encountering budget constraint errors because one line would be exceeding the budget amount by pennies whereas the other lines would be under by the same amount. Furthermore, a funding source may reject the reimbursement request if it is even one penny more than the agreed upon amount.

While the Reimbursable Expense Adjustment system process exists to correct for certain balancing conditions, the Application Parameter of Funding Line Smoothing Tolerance Limit (FUND_LN_SMOOTH_TOL) exists to provide a tolerance amount in real-time to adjust split posting lines in order to reduce the number of rounding issues. This logic is invoked when the tolerance is greater than zero and the remaining budget within a Funding Line is exhausted (i.e., negative) yet the entire Funding Priority is not exhausted. The tolerance determines the maximum amount that can be smoothed. If the tolerance is exceeded, the transaction will reject with the A4145 error: A4145.