Funding Source Control

The Funding Source Control (FSC) page is a combination of a reference page defining the funding agreement and also an inquiry page tracking the use of that funding by reimbursement budget transactions. Updates to this page can be done manually by those with security to do so. Otherwise, updates to all fields besides the Obligated amounts (3) have to be made with the Funding Source Control transaction.

Field InformationField Information

Several fields are self-explanatory with the following exceptions. If a field listed below is not visible, it is because the field has been delivered as hidden and needs to be made visible with Configure Page (DESIGNER), if needed.

Field Name


Funding Year

Each defined funding source must contain a year component. A Funding Year can be any year but is most commonly the year used by the grantor (For Example, Federal Fiscal Year where funding is assigned by a Federal Agency). The year could also be the fiscal year of a state if different from the county using the state funding. There is no system restriction to what a Funding Year represents and in an implementation there may be multiple yearly measurements.

Type of Funding

An indication that defines what type of data is recorded in the Funding Source ID field. Valid values include:

  • Federal - The value in the Funding Source ID field has to be valid on the Federal Appropriation Number (FAN) page.

  • Debt - The Funding Source ID has to be valid on the Bond Registry (BOND) or Loan Registry (LOAN).

  • Other - there is no edit of Funding Source ID because the field can represent many different things, some of which are defined outside of CGI Advantage.

Funding Source ID

The identification of the funding source for the agreement. A match will be made from here to the Funding Line page when an update is made using the Federal Appropriation, Debt ID, or Other Funding Source ID field of the Funding Line.

Pre-Defined Other Funding Source ID

This field is used as an alternative method to select a funding source from a pre-defined listing instead of the free-form Funding Source ID field. Data entered in this field is inferred directly to the Funding Source ID. Please see the “Other Funding Sources” topic for more information.


Each defined funding source must contain a Region. Please see the Region reference page for more information on the use of this attribute.

Funding Group

The Funding Group on this page is optional and not part of the defined funding source. It exists for cases when Funding Source Control is used in conjunction with Funding Group Control. When a Funding Source is always part of a single Funding Group, then Funding Group should be entered. If populated, then the Funding Group is inferred to reimbursement budget transactions based on the match to the Funding Source Control record. The inferred value cannot be changed. If the inferred value on the transaction is changed, the system will just overlay that value with the inferred value from FSC again.

Federal Agency

Federal Agency is optional and not part of the defined funding structure. It is there to lend information to a record with the Type of Funding equal to Federal.


An indication that when true means that a reimbursement budget transaction can draw from the funding. When agreements are made in advance, this indication should typically be false so that older funding is consumed first.

Current Year

This amount represents the amount that is the agreed upon funding amount. Any subsequent changes to the Current Year amount can be made directly in this field, or the increase/decrease can be recorded in the Amendments amount field instead, so the original amount is not changed.


This amount captures any adjustments to the initial amount agreed upon in the Current Year field. Updates are not made in a delta-sense but the amount is set to the new ‘total amended amount’.

Carry Forwards

This system-maintained amount is equal to any Available amount from the prior Funding Year.


This system-maintained amount is the sum of all accepted reimbursement budget transactions processed against the funding when the Event Type used was one that updated the Awarded budget amount.

Pending Obligated Increases

This system-maintained amount is the sum of all pending reimbursement budget transactions against the funding when the Event Type used was one that will increase the Awarded budget amount. Such transactions can be pending for internal approval as well as being in pending awaiting a confirmation from the funding source.

Pending Obligated Decreases

This system-maintained amount is the sum of all pending reimbursement budget transactions against the funding when the Event Type used was one that will decrease the Awarded budget amount. Such transactions can be pending for internal approval as well as being in pending awaiting a confirmation from the funding source.


This system maintained amount is calculated always as:

Current Year + Amendments + Carry Forward – Obligated

The Pending Obligated Increases are added if the Fund Control Include Pend Increase (FUND_CTRL_PEND_INCR) Application Parameter is true.

The Pending Obligated Decreases are subtracted if the Fund Control Include Pend Decrease (FUND_CTRL_PEND_DCRS) Application Parameter is true.