Program GIS Location

The Program GIS Location (PGL) page is used to record Geographic Information System (GIS) details for a given Program. Multiple records may be established for a single Program.

Field InformationField Information

Several fields are self-explanatory with the following exceptions:

Field Name


State ID

An identification of the State where the project is taking place.

Version Number

A field used to record the Physical Reference (PR) number versions, which are used to make the distinction between new route and no routes identified, which are different non-GIS reasons.

Route ID

A required element of GIS data from the FHWA’s Highway Performance Monitoring database (HPMS) that is also defined in accordance with each State’s Linear Reference System (LRS).

Structure Number

For Programs where GIS data is optional, Structure Number is recorded. Examples of Structure Number include a bridge number, tunnel number, etc.