Reimbursement Expense Adjustment Parameter

The Reimbursement Expense Adjustment Parameter (REAP) page defines a set of parameters into the Reimbursable Expense Adjustment system process that are intended to change in limited fashion between runs.

Field InformationField Information

The fields on this page that are not self-explanatory are:

Field Name


Run Mode

An indication that determines the manner in which the process will run:

  • Generate Report Only – This run mode allows selection and calculations to occur without the final/true database updates occurring. This mode can be run as many times as necessary until the what-if results are as expected.

  • Generate JV Transactions Only ¬This mode is only recommended if first run to generate a report and that report was reviewed and determined to be accurate, as this mode will take information already selected and calculated to generate transactions.

  • Generate Report and JV Transactions - This mode produces both a report and the transactions.

Reimbursement Budget Structure

Budget Name

As the system process is design to adjust reimbursable budget line, a reimbursable budget structure ID must be selected.

Tolerance Percentage

A percentage is needed for record selection from level 1 of the reimbursable budget structure. Records will only be selected if the calculated Available Amount, as a percentage of the Awarded, is within this percentage. This percentage is entered where 100 and not 1.0000 is 100%.


When selection should just be budget lines of a single department, this field captures that department. If left blank, all departments are selected.

Transaction Code

The required Journal Voucher transaction code to be generated. The JVC should be selected or one that uses the same presentation showing the Funding Structure chart of accounts.

Clearing Fund

As there is no Fund present on the reimbursable budget lines and all Journal Vouchers require a Fund on each accounting line, the value specified here will be used.