Reimbursement Request Recycling Parameter

The Reimbursement Request Recycling Parameter (RECYCLE) page defines a set of parameters into the Reimbursement Request Recycling system process. A new record is required with each run to identify what activity was denied.

Field InformationField Information

The fields on this page that are not self-explanatory are:

Field Name



A required identification for selection of records from the Reimbursement History data. Either the Cycle or Job ID must be specified, but not both.

Job ID

A required identification of the Job ID of the original Reimbursement Request system process. Either the Cycle or Job ID must be specified, but not both.

Run Mode

An indication that determines the manner in which Cash Receipts processed to final are to be handled:

  • Normal Mode – This mode will modify Cash Receipts for partially collected Receivables (portion not denied)

  • Report Submitted Cash Receipts Mode – This mode will not modify the Cash Receipts but reports them for manual intervention.

Recycle Type

A required indication that specifies how selection will occur from Reimbursement History. Valid values are Program, Appropriation, and Drawdown Group.


The choice of Recycle Type will determine which of these fields are required and which are prohibited.

Reason Code

Modifications of Accounts Receivable transactions require the Reason Code in order to process.