Task Order Inference

When the Task Order Chart of Account (COA) is being used to track a task performed as part of a project or not, there are times when certain COA should infer based on the Task Order. The Task Order Inference (TOINF) page is the method to define these inferences. The inference may be for the only value that should be used by the Task Order or may be the most common default where users know to change the value when it is an exception. The Streamlined Task Order Billing feature of Cost Accounting is one such case of a single value for Program being inferred. It may also be for the only Phase as well as the most common Phase.

There are four additional COA available for inference that are initially hidden from view but can be made visible with Configure Page (DESIGNER): Activity, Location, Sub Location, and Function. At least one of the six inference fields must be defined. Those Task Orders that do not need the inference or do not desire the inference do not have to be listed on the TOINF page.

Field InformationField Information

Beyond the chart-of-account fields present (see the Chart of Accounts User Guide) there is one uncommon field:

Field Name


Program Inference Type

The inference behavior of the TOINF page is a soft/weak inference where any value setup to infer, only infers into a blank field. Changing the value for this field from that default to Hard results in the inference value for Program overlaying any value already supplied on the transaction. Users are unable to supply an alternate value. However, a blank inference field does not blank out the corresponding field on a transaction.