Task and Sub Task

The programmatic chart of account elements of Task and Sub Task have the capability of being more than just a reporting element for task related activities separate from any grant or project. However, the element can be used in conjunction with a grant or project for tracking.

Field InformationField Information

Beyond the common chart-of-account fields present (see the Chart of Accounts User Guide) and those fields already discussed under Funding Line or Program, there a few fields unique to Task.

Field Name


CAP Rate Indicator

This CVL field with values of None, Rate Set 1, Rate Set 2, Rate Set 3, and Rate Set 4 is initially hidden, but should be made visible if using tasks with the Overhead Calculation Process using Internal Costing. When a Rate Set is selected, it will be read by the Overhead Calculation Process.

Direct / Indirect

This CVL field is read and updated to Internal Costing Journal records created for a Task.