Vendor Customer

This Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable reference page, and associated transactions for data maintenance, have a Cost Accounting Funding type field that relates to later Funding Line setup. Valid values are: Federal (Non-CMIA), Federal (CMIA), State, Bond, Private Individual/Company, Local Municipality, Will/Endowment, Other, In-Kind Match, FHWA (CMIA), FHWA (Non-CMIA).

  • The CMIA Calculation Method of a Funding Profile cannot be None, if the Cost Accounting Funding Type is Federal (CMIA) or FHWA (CMIA).

  • The CMIA Calculation Method must be None, if the Cost Accounting Funding Type is Federal (Non-CMIA), State, Bond, Private Individual/Company, Local Municipality, Will/Endowment, Other, In-Kind Match, or FHWA (Non-CMIA).

Additionally, a Federal Appropriation is required for the Funding Line if the Cost Accounting Funding Type value is FHWA (CMIA) or FHWA (Non-CMIA).