Vendor Customer
This Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable reference page, and associated transactions for data maintenance, have a Cost Accounting Funding type field that relates to later Funding Line setup. Valid values are: Federal (Non-CMIA), Federal (CMIA), State, Bond, Private Individual/Company, Local Municipality, Will/Endowment, Other, In-Kind Match, FHWA (CMIA), FHWA (Non-CMIA).
The CMIA Calculation Method of a Funding Profile cannot be None, if the Cost Accounting Funding Type is Federal (CMIA) or FHWA (CMIA).
The CMIA Calculation Method must be None, if the Cost Accounting Funding Type is Federal (Non-CMIA), State, Bond, Private Individual/Company, Local Municipality, Will/Endowment, Other, In-Kind Match, or FHWA (Non-CMIA).
Additionally, a Federal Appropriation is required for the Funding Line if the Cost Accounting Funding Type value is FHWA (CMIA) or FHWA (Non-CMIA).