CGI Advantage Financial Reports

The Cost Allocation area includes reports that are generated by the Cost Allocation Process. The reports are listed alphabetically (by Mode) in the below table. For more information on the reports, refer to the associated run sheet in the CGI Advantage Cost Accounting Run Sheets guide.

Report Name


Base Accumulation Exception Report

Generated by the Cost Allocation Process in "Base Accumulation" Mode.

Base Accumulation Report

Generated by the Cost Allocation Process in "Base Accumulation" Mode.

Base View Report

Generated by the Cost Allocation Process in "Compute Allocation" Mode, if the report is not being excluded by the EXCL_COST_ALLOC_REP parameter.

CA Exception Report

Generated by the Cost Allocation Process in "Compute Allocation" Mode, if the report is not being excluded by the EXCL_COST_ALLOC_REP parameter.

Expansion Exception Report

Generated by the Cost Allocation Process in "Compute Allocation" Mode.

Pool View Report

Generated by the Cost Allocation Process in "Compute Allocation" Mode, if the report is not being excluded by the EXCL_COST_ALLOC_REP parameter.

Summarization Report

Generated by the Cost Allocation Process in "Compute Allocation" Mode.

COA Editing Report

Generated by the Cost Allocation Process in "Offline Validation" Mode.

PBDF Verification Report

Generated by the Cost Allocation Process in "Offline Validation" Mode.

Validation Exception Report

Generated by the Cost Allocation Process in "Offline Validation" Mode.