Common Terminology

This topic contains an alphabetical list of terms that are common in Cost Allocation and a definition for each one.

Accumulating DistributionAccumulating Distribution

This is the accounting distribution that represents a combination of chart of account codes used to accumulate dollar totals for calculating the allocation percentage when the Direct Financial and Direct Financial Instream methods are used.

Allocation FrequencyAllocation Frequency

This is the frequency in which the Cost Allocation Process will be scheduled. Valid options are Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Annual, and Date Range.


This indicates the accounting distribution to which pooled costs will be allocated.

Forward Reference StepForward Reference Step

In multi-step allocations, provides the ability to reallocate an expanded base as a pool in a later (forward) step.


Determines if allocated records will receive (inherit) a field’s value from the pool or the base record. Inheritance is set field by field because different fields will have different rules.

Lapse recordLapse record

On a source ledger record when the fiscal year is greater than the budget fiscal year, the record is considered as a lapse record and may be subject to special processing according to Cost Allocation Parameter setup. This is often referred to as a prior year record as well.

Offset DistributionOffset Distribution

When costs or revenues are reversed, this accounting distribution is used to record that reversal instead of the pool accounting distribution.


This accounting distribution is used to select records from the input source for accumulation.