Cost Allocation Step Setup
The Cost Allocation Step Setup (STEP) reference page defines each step within a series within an allocation. A minimum of one step is required for each series and there is no limit to the number of steps other than the complexity in establishing and maintaining the allocation. At this level the inheritance rules from the Allocation or Series ID can be changed. Records can be added to this page directly or are added by the system with each Pool Base Distribution record added for a new step in a series.
Cost Allocation Series Setup – This related page link transitions you to the Cost Allocation Series Setup reference page, which allows you to update or review information for the parent Series ID of the selected Step Number.
Pool Base Setup – This related page link transitions you to the Pool/Base Setup reference page, which allows you to add, update or review information for the selected Step Number.
Field InformationField Information
Fields already defined on an earlier reference page have been omitted.
Field Name |
Description |
Step Number |
Each step must have a unique number to define more detailed setup and for system processing. |
Description |
Each step should have a description that identifies what is being allocated within the step at a very high level. |
Base Type
The method of allocation from pools to bases within a step can be defined as one of the following:
Charge Back Object |
When running a Charge Back Allocation (see Cost Allocation Control Setup reference page), additional expenditures will be posted based on the selected expenditures. Those additional expenditures will default this object and not use the object from the selected accounting records. |
(Inheritance Settings) |
This set of chart of account (COA) settings is the third of three levels of definition for what COA codes will be used in the base expansion: