Offline Validation

This run mode does not perform any updates to the system. The Offline Validation Date is used to validate the allocation’s chart of account (COA) distributions on the Pool/Base Distribution reference page. The process also verifies the active status of all COA codes defined in the allocation. The output from the Offline Validation run mode is as follows:

  1. Pool/Base Verification Report: The report summarizes the data entered into the Pool/Base Set up & Distribution reference pages.

  2. COA Editing Report: The report provides a list of invalid COA element values that were entered on the Pool/Base Distribution record. Validations only occur for those COA elements whose rollup type is Code, i.e. not an actual Rollup (Class, Category, Group or Type). Rollups are not validated. The report checks the COA active status and compares the Offline Validation date to the effective dates of the COA. If Department is not entered on the distribution record, all COAs keyed by Department will be deemed invalid on the report. Note: a good setup procedure would be to always enter the Department on the allocation distribution records. If Department/Unit inheritance type is set to Base, then the Department code can be entered on both pool and base accounting distributions, even if there is no change in the Department value from pool to base.

  3. Exception Report: There are six exceptions that can be reported if applicable to the allocation’s setup:

  • Base Record Percentages do not sum to 100%: This will apply to Fixed Percentage Base Types only.

  • Accounting Distribution not found: where a pool or base record has been set without having any COA values for accounting distribution inserted.

  • Accumulation Distribution not found: where base type is either Direct Financial or Direct Financial Instream, but no accumulation distributions have been set up for the base record(s).

  • Neither Pool nor Base defined for Step:  No pool or base records have been established for the allocation.

  • Bases not defined for Step:  Pool records exist, but no corresponding base records have been established on Pool/Base Setup.  Pool/Base Setup, but no accounting distributions exist for the pool or base on Pool/Base.