Pool/Base Distribution

The Pool/Base Distribution (PBDIST) reference page completes the definition of each pool and base in an allocation. You can enter a wildcard value to define the accounting distribution in order to minimize data entry and account for multiple records. You can also select the Exclude indicator to specify records that should not be included in the process for a particular allocation.


Field InformationField Information

Fields already defined on an earlier reference page have been omitted.

Field Name


Distribution Type

A required classification for all pool and base definitions with three values:

  • Accounting - Each pool and base from Pool Base Setup record must have a distribution with this type. An Accounting distribution for pool is used to select source ledger or journal records. The Accounting distributions for both pool and base records is used to post results from an allocation, augmented by other configurations.

  • Offset - This distribution is optional for only pool records to redirect the posting of pool allocation results to a different accounting distribution than what was used for selection. This type is used for expense allocations if the expenditure credit needs to go to a different accounting distribution than the selection COA. For example, not crediting an expense budget line so that additional spending is allowed.

  • Accumulation - This distribution is conditionally required for only for base records to calculate allocation percentage for each base by accumulating the costs from source ledger or journal records when defining bases in a Direct Financial Only or Direct and Instream Financial step.

Accumulation Distribution Number

An identification of a Pool/Base Distribution record that defaults to 1 and is used only when a base has multiple accumulation distributions.

Exclude Flag

An indication that when true will instruct processing to not select records that match a given distribution.

Include/Exclude Sequence Number

A system generated number for identification purposes.

Various COA

Many COA elements and rollups exist to define a pool or base distribution. Data entry is governed by any Offset ID entered on the parent Pool/Base Setup record. A couple of wildcard values are available to simplify setup:

  • The * represents a special value for non-blanks.

  • The ! represents a special value for blanks.

  • A value of ANY represents any value blank or non-blank.