CGI Advantage Financial Reports

The major reports generated from CGI Advantage are listed alphabetically in the below table. To learn more about the job that generates a specific report, refer to the CGI Advantage - Debt Management Run Sheets guide.

Report Name


Debt Payment Billing Bypassed Records Report

This report is generated by the Debt Payment & Billing chain job. This report lists all selected debt instrument records that were either set up to bypass Debt Payment & Billing or had settings that caused the record to be skipped.

Initial Accounting Bypassed Records Report

This report is generated by the Initial Debt Accounting chain job. This report lists the authorization and debt instrument records that were selected and updated by the Initial Debt Accounting chain job, but an accounting transaction is not created. The records on this list were either set up to bypass initial accounting or had settings that caused the record to be skipped.  

Long Term Account Reclassification Bypassed Records Report

This report is generated by the Long Term Account Reclassification chain job. This report lists the debt instrument records that were selected and updated by the Long Term Account Reclassification chain job, but an accounting transaction is not created. The records on this list were either set up to bypass initial accounting or had settings that caused the record to be skipped.

Periodic Debt Accounting Bypassed Records Report

This report lists the selected Debt Instrument and Schedule Detail combinations that were either set up to bypass Periodic Debt Accounting or had settings that caused the record to be skipped.