Change Status of an Authorization

The authorization that will be modified in this task is the one created in the previous "Create a Loan Authorization" task. If this was not a Loan Authorization, you would use the corresponding bond or lease transactions or registry pages to accomplish the task in a very similar fashion. Also, the status of the authorization could be changed in the same fashion as the "Modify an Authorization" task changed the Authorization Description.

  1. Locate the loan authorization on the Loan Authorization Registry (LNAUTH) page and choose the Modify action for that record.

  2. Complete the required fields and create an instance of the LOANM

  3. Navigate to the Authorization tab where a row will already be inserted with information on the selected loan authorization.

  • Authorization Status: Ready to Exercise.

  1. Validate the transaction

  2. If errors exist, fix the errors and repeat Step 4. If no errors exist, continue with Step 6.

  3. Submit the transaction.