Debt Costs

The Debt Costs tab of the Debt transaction records the costs of entering into a loan, lease or bond issue or any amount for tracking purposes. This tab is optional. This tab provides an alternative to reporting costs only from the Accounting Journal as all costs may not have been entered with the Debt ID of the debt instrument (possibly netted from the proceeds). Costs can even be recorded in both places with the Debt Costs allowing for easy reporting from the Debt Registry and allowing for a more granular definition than results from accounting entries at a very high Chart of Account level. For Modification transactions, the previous values of the fields come from the registry.

If desired, amounts recorded on the Schedule and Schedule Detail tabs can even be repeated here for a central reporting location, but please note that nothing on this tab generates any accounting event.

Furthermore, there is no reason that all things tracked at this tab have to be a cost. The selected Debt Cost code will identify what is being tracked on an entry for online review and reporting.

Records can be entered in detail or summary fashion, but they must be associated with a Debt Cost code already established on the Debt Costs (DEBTCST) page.

Field Level Information