Debt Management Overview

Debt Management is a large functional area within CGI Advantage Financial consisting of transactions for the definition and maintenance of debt, inquiry pages to view that debt, and automatic processes to perform accounting for that debt. This functional area is tied into almost every other functional area within Advantage Financial through the use of a Debt ID, which is very similar to a chart of account (COA) in many respects.

Debt Management is structured into two hierarchical levels: Authorizations and Debt Instruments. Use of the Authorization level is not optional, but the amount of information required at that level is minimal with many of those fields having default values. For example, when taking out a short term loan, the Authorization may not be actively used. When there has been a referendum to authorize the issuing of bonds, however, the Authorization will certainly be used.

The three Major Types of Debt are: Loans, Leases, and Bonds. All have separate transactions and inquiry pages (also referred to in this user guide as registry pages).

Each of the Major Types of Debt is discussed in the following topics:

Although just Loans, Leases, and Bonds are listed, do not think that Debt Management is limited to just items that are 100% one of those three. Taken one level higher, those three types of debt are a set of structured payments or billings defined by a set schedule. There will be cases where you may have an item that will loosely fit into one of those three types of debt. Please refer to the "Loan Functionality" topic for more details as this type of debt is the most basic of the three and would be the likely choice in most situations.