Debt Terms

The Debt Terms (DEBTTRM) page allows you to set up Debt Terms that can be used in the definition of schedules for a lease, loan, or bond. Use of the Debt Terms page is optional.

Debt Terms are used to simplify data entry and ensure consistency of terms on similar debt instruments. Use of the Debt Terms feature is optional, but is strongly suggested for debt instruments that should be created in an identical fashion because the inference of terms is a ‘powerful’ one in that the inference will overlay any manually entered value.

Each Debt Term record must be assigned to one of the three values in the Major Type of Debt field. This assignment allows transactions in Debt Management to present (and edit) only Debt Term values that match the Major Type of Debt of the transaction.

When establishing a Debt Terms record, not all fields have to be completed. Only those that are ‘standard’ to the combination of Major Type of Debt and Debt Term have to be completed. Leave blank any fields on the Debt Terms record blank that need to vary with debt instrument definition. Edits are limited on this page so be careful not to set up a record that will cause a debt transaction to reject.


Field Level Information