Debt Type

The Debt Type (DEBTTYPE) page allows you to establish Debt Types that must be assigned to debt authorizations and debt instruments. A Debt Type not only provides classification for reporting and workflow purposes but it provides all major characteristics necessary for proper accounting treatment and Debt Transaction editing.

Each Debt Type record must be assigned to one of the three values in the Major Type of Debt field. This assignment allows transactions in Debt Management to present (and edit) only Debt Type values that match the Major Type of Debt of the transaction.

Data has been delivered for only this reference page. That data has a minimum number of records to allow each Major Type of Debt and the various sub types under each. Implementation can choose to use that set and have another rollup represent things such as General Obligation Bonds, Low Income Housing Loans, and Real Property Leases. Alternatively, the delivered Debt Types can be copied to create additional records to meet reporting and accounting needs.

Delivered debt types do not have any of the Other Amounts set up for additional payments or billings. Such setup is site-specific. The AP01 (Authorize Normal Payment) and AR01 (Bill Earned Revenue) will work for such an Other Amount.


The Debt Type page contains several groups of distinctly different data:

Field Level Information